Stop Bullying 101


Bullying101 Teaching children has always been my passion. To see a child hurting from a preventable source such as bullying is unacceptable to me. This is why I have created this page, to help teachers all over the world take steps against bullying. In turn hopefully preventing a child from going through such trauma.

BULLYINGDefinition: form of aggression in which one or more children repeatedly and intentionally intimidate, harass, or physically harm a victim. The purpose of developing this web site is to raise awareness about this issue of bullying not only through main stream media coverage but also through other venues. I hope that by making this webpage more teachers obtain the necessary tools to implement a working and flexible guide for their classrooms. I thank those teachers reading this today, because it is they whom have taken the additional steps outside the classroom to gain knowledge. It is this drive to learn that will make our classroom safe and secure. 

In this website teachers will be able to learn about
  1. What types of Bullying are there?
  2. Who is a Bully?
  3. Who are the victims?
  4. Where can Bullying take place?
  5. Bullying prevention
  6. Consequences of Bullying
  7. Awareness Against Bullying
  8. Resources for teachers
  9. Suggestions for parents
  10. Bullying free community
  11. Bullying awareness facts
  12. Signs: Victims of Bullying

I have included helpful links for teacher’s lesson plans and activities related to bullying to implement in the classrooms. These would be useful and hopefully can prevent and teach bullying awareness in the schools.

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